Youth Mountain Bike Racing Team in York County, South Carolina
Catawba Ridge Riders is a nonprofit (501.c.3) mountain biking club dedicated to promoting youth cycling and development of student athletes. Mountain bike racing is a team sport that celebrates the individual. Our primary focus is maintaining a year round team participating in the South Carolina Interscholastic Cycling League, US MTB Series, Charlotte Winter Short Track and other local events. Our team hails from the Fort Mill, Rock Hill and surrounding area. Catawba Ridge Riders offers an exciting adventure and racing program for 6th through 12th graders.
Our Mission
Our team mission is to teach middle and high school students mountain bike riding and racing skills while learning to be responsible student-athletes.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. – Albert Einstein
Our Core Values
Building strong minds, bodies, character, and communities through cycling
- Inclusive program for all skill levels
- Learning thru Action
- Challenging, Educational, Fun
We Ride because ...
We have a passion for mountain biking, for racing and training our racers do their best. Mountain biking is:
- Great Adventure Sport
- Quality Time Outdoors
- Improves Fitness and Confidence